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Walgreens offers great deals that you can easily take advantage of Cheez-y!
Walgreens has 3 Cheeze It Boxes on sale for $5 (regularly priced at $4.29). You can also find out more about us on our website.)! You can also save 10% when you use code WAG10 You can also find out more about FAST10 At checkout! PLUS check your Ibotta account for 50¢ cash back when you purchase any size Cheeze-It product.
Stock up on White Cheddar Extra, Cheesy Original and more to please the entire family. These are great snacks to keep around the house and would make the perfect addition to your kiddo’s lunchbox.
Walgreens Deal Idea:
Buy 3 Cheez-It Cheese Crackers 7oz $4.29
Total = $12.87
Spend less than $3.50
Use promo code WAG10 You can also find out more about FAST10 (10% off)
Pay $3.86
Spend any size Cheeze It product and get $1.50 in cash via Ibotta (limit 5).
Final cost $2.36 – just 79¢ per box!
These new lunch ideas are genius!
About the author:
Kelli is an English teacher with a Penn State University degree. She writes content. She has spent 25 years as a mother and former middle school English instructor looking for great deals for both her classroom and home.