Fakers gonna fake. Our master authenticators know that superfake handbags have telltale signs.
As an ultra-luxury resale company, FASHIONPHILE regularly uncovers fake designer bags – it’s part of the job. We are not tolerant of Fake designer bag manufacturing and trading. But, on the plus side, uncovering a fake is a valuable lesson to our master authenticators who receive 6,000+ training hours through our FASHIONPHILE University curriculum.
Take a look at a superfake Louis Vuitton Onthego bag that was found recently. Our team used their knowledge of FASHIONPHILE University, as well as hands-on experience in Louis Vuitton bag making, to determine that this Louis Vuitton onthego was a fake. Our experts thoroughly examined every aspect of the bag, from its exterior to the interior. The valuable insights gained from this discovery inspired a blog post. Continue reading to discover what makes this Louis Vuitton Onthego handbag fake.
Here’s a little bit more about our authentication process at FASHIONPHILE.